Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Movies, Work, Lacey & Vacation!

It’s been longer since my last post than I thought! Sorry!

Dee, Butch & I went to see Harry Potter a couple weekends ago. It was good, but since I am an avid reader, I was disappointed at how much they cut out! I heard that they were thinking of making this book into 2 movies, but were talked out of it.

That weekend, Butch & I watched Walk the Line (very good) and this past weekend, we watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I didn’t want to like that one b/c I am still a weird person that’s mad at Brad & Angelina for their affair and hurting Jennifer Aniston. But, it was a good flick.

I was in Chicago last week for work. Twice a year, all of the Client Execs get together for a 2 day meeting. Blah. All in all, it was an okay meeting. However, I stayed up late with several colleagues on Tues. night and had a bit too much wine….along with everyone else. So, sitting in a meeting for 6 hours on Wed. was not fun.

Friday & Saturday, I painted our bedroom. It’s “stem green” and quite nice. I can’t wait for the furniture to be delivered….in late April or so.

Lacey’s doing really well. She’s saying some new words – baby and pretty. She will also growl when we ask her “what does the bear say”. So freakin’ cute! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this age! Last night she woke up around midnight crying and since I can see her eye-teeth coming in, we gave her Tylenol. That worked until 4:00 a.m., but she quit pretty quickly. Poor baby. I hope they come through soon.

Oh! We booked our vacation house! I am so excited! We’re going to OBX with some friends (Tonya and family) for a week starting July 14. They have 2 young daughters, so it should work very well. The house is pretty close to the beach, so it shouldn’t be too much of a pain to lug all of our things! (I hope.) It seems like I should still be doing planning – even though it’s 4 months away.

I think we’re starting Lacey in swim lessons next month. With her Pa Pa’s pool, I think it will be worth it! She is totally lovin’ the bath these days, so I’m hoping it will work well.


Anonymous said...

For us dummies who have no clue what OBX is - where are you going? I've sat here looking at this for 10 minutes and can't for the life of me figure it out - so help me out here - us old people need a little help occasionally!

The Hamilton's said...

It means the Outer Banks, NC. ;-)