Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve! I couldn't even make it until midnight! Ahh...the life of a mom of a 10 month old. ;-) After we put her to bed, Butch & I cooked a nice dinner, ate at the table without either (1) chasing LJ; or (2)continually feeding her snacks. Then we watched a movie -- Sideways. I was not impressed with the movie. Butch wasn't really either. Too much hype, maybe?

We took Lacey to church yesterday - I'm trying to make a better effort in 2006. It's just hard with her schedule. Sometimes she is still napping when we should be leaving. And, I refuse to wake her up. I think God is probably okay with that. Anyway, this is the last time we'll try church without putting her in the nursury! Wow, she was a handful. Quite chatty, quite squirmy and, of course, quite cute.

Then, we watched the Steelers play at a neighbor's house (with Lacey in her Steeler's outfit). It's always fun chasing a baby in someone else's house (not). Lacey was quite funny when she found their toy room! She crawled in & just kept screaming! So much to pick from.

After that, we went home & put her in the Redskin's outfit to help them out, and TRIED to watch the game. I say "tried"b/c our directv isn't working in the family room. So, we had it on in the bedroom for a while. Then had to come downstairs to feed LJ and eat dinner ourselves. So, we put a small TV with rabbit ears in the kitchen. Not much of a picture, but we could keep up with the game.

It seems that separation anxiety may be an issue these days. Lacey has gone to sleep easily for months - she doesn't always sleep through the night, but she always "just goes to sleep" in her crib. The last week or so has been hit or miss. Last night she screamed & cried. If I went in, she'd grab my shirt. She'd settle a little if I rocked her, but even if she fell asleep, she scream when I put her back in the crib. :-( It was heartbreaking. And, we let her cry. It was awful. I feel so horrible doing that, but she has to sleep. My poor baby. So...we didn't hear anything more from her from 9:30 to 6:30, but I worried about her all night.

Believe it or not, our office is open today. They are giving us 2 days at 4th of July instead of today off. At least it is quiet & was a very easy drive in.

Oh - I almost hit a deer this morning. Had to slam on my brakes so hard that my car slid. Thank God it was a "noncommute" day and I didn't have anyone behind me.


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