Saturday, January 07, 2006

Our week has been fairly quiet, so I haven't posted. This will probably be quite boring to you all!

I've been listening to the latest book in the "Mitford" series. Audiobooks really help me to handle my commute better! I'm also reading a book (The Christmas Train), which I am determined to finish next week. I didn't even start it until AFTER Christmas - even though it's a Christmas book!

Lacey has had a pretty good week. She is so much fun! I love listening to her "talk" and watcher her play. We started mixing whole milk into her formula this morning. I'm just starting with a 25%/75% mix at this point. Whole milk is "supposed" to be started at a year, but I'm anxious to get done with formula. I don't want to switch her very quickly, though, in case it causes her stomach issues. So, we'll go slowly.

Last night, she came home from daycare with a horrible diaper rash. She struggles with that all the time. Drives me nuts. So, we had diaper free time in the Pack N Play this morning to air her out. Will probably do it again this afternoon, too. I hope it doesn't result in another trip to the doc. Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to go back until her 1 year well visit??

I made a really yummy dinner last night - "Mexican Casserole" - I got it from one of my online friends. Butch & I chowed on it. Hmmmm....the rest of the week was more "normal" food - nothing really "new" - Chicken Divan, pizza, etc.

Oh - daycare is closed Mon. & Tues. Mr. Bernie's uncle was hit and killed by a car on Friday. So horrible. Butch is staying home with her on Monday & I'll work during her naps on Tuesday -- and I guess take a 1/2 day vacation. It's the downside of home daycare -- but I would much rather deal with this than deal with a daycare center at this point. All my friends that have had their kids in daycare centers complain about the lack of naps - b/c the babies don't have somewhere quiet to sleep.

Better finish this up & get some things done before LJ wakes from her nap.


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