Saturday, June 14, 2008

Random Update

It’s been ages (or so it seems) since I’ve done much of a post. I’ve just felt overwhelmed with everything there is to do on a weekly basis - in all areas of life. How is there really time for everything? I actually realized tonight that I have started a few posts here & there and never finished them! Oh well. Here are a few random updates:

An Evening Out

A few weeks ago, we went to a dinner/dance with my family. Dad treated us all (very sweet). So, it was Dad, Frankie, Dee, Buck, Rick, Kristina, Butch & me. Jessica babysat for us and things went smoothly for her. We didn't leave until around 7:00 and Leah goes to bed shortly after that. So, that meant she really only had Lacey to watch for most of the time.

It was a lot of fun, but I think I was so excited to be OUT that I drank too much. I honestly planned on limiting myself to 3 glasses of wine and know that it all that I asked for/went to get. But, I think Butch and/or Rick and/or Buck brought back another glass or 2 at other times. I felt horrible the next day!

Anyway, there was a lottery type thing at the dance. Everyone had a number and if your number was called, they you were eliminated. It was fun, but it interupted the dancing. And, each time they did it, they turned the lights all the way up for all of us to read our tickets.

The band was pretty good. Dee & I danced a ton. Dad, too. I've said it before........when I'm 70, I sure hope I'm moving like that on the dance floor!

Last Weekend

Kristina's parents both turned 70 in recent weeks, so she & her sister hosted a pool party to celebrate on Saturday. It was the hottest weekend so far. Bad for being outside, but at least there was a pool! It was Lacey's first time in this year and Leah's first time ever. Both had a ball. This is Jessica (Steckita) with the girls:

On Sunday, we went to Dad's to cookout. The week before, he bought a swingset and had it all set up for Lacey (and Leah) when we got there. He put on a baby swing that we'd bought for Lacey when she was an infant. Lacey never liked it, but Leah loved it!

Lacey loved the pool at PaPa's house, too. She can touch the bottom now, so she feels like a big girl.

Air Conditioning

Well, our a/c broke again. Yes, you read that right. This is the 3rd time in a year. Last year - literally while I was at the hospital in labor - a new inside unit was being installed for our upstairs a/c. A few months ago, a new inside unit was installed for our downstairs a/c. And now....we've had a new outside unit installed for upstairs. We were without for about a week. This just happened to be the week that we had our first heatwave. Lovely. It was about 90* in Leah's room when she went to bed for 3 nights. And, humid. On the last night, we decided to try putting fans in the foyer and direct them toward the balcony to bring cold air upstairs and this helped a bit. I'm just happy that it's fixed now. We are all sleeping better.


For some reason....that I've yet to figure morning commute has gotten worse lately. It used to take about 90 min. pretty regularly. The last 2 weeks, it's been about 2 hours. I know part of the problem is they have a road closed in DC that is causing others to take my route. But, that isn't the entire issue. Considering metro and commuter bus numbers are so high (thank you to gas prices), you would think my commute would be shorter. Makes no sense to me and it's making me crazy. Before kids, I was in the office by 7:30. After Lacey, it was about 8:00. After Leah it was about 8:30. With this recent issue, I'm lucky to make it in by 8:45. This is yet another reason why I love my work @ home days.

Father's Day

We're going to the Optimist Club picnic tomorrow. Dad is a member and they have this annual cookout/picnic that we started going to a few years ago. Last year, I was 9 months pregnant and it was HOT. This year, we'll have 2 of them to chase around, but the weather is expected to be much nicer. They have a nice little playground for the kids. And, last year, they had buggies pulled by horses. Lacey loved it. We're hoping for more of the same this year.
I struggled with what to get Butch. I can't really post anything here in case he reads this before tomorrow. :-)

Well, I'd better run. After much time away, I feel like I've written a book. Hehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You weren't the only one feeling bad the day after our night out! And that was the day we moved Kyle back from Salisbury and got caught up in all that traffice coming home! Verrrry long day! My own fault though! That's a good pic of you and Butch - I believe I was the photographer for that one. ;>) And we all agree - if we're doing half as good as dad at 70, we'll be in good shape!