Saturday, June 14, 2008

I've been tagged!

I feel bad! Allison tagged me a while ago, but because I've been so bad at keeping up with blogs lately, I didn't see it until today!

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
Hmmm. That would have been 1998. I had left KVI and was working at Seabury. But, at that point, I believe the companies had completely merged. So, I was probably working in Old Town Alexandria. I believe this was the timing of when I decided to move back in with Mom & Dad for a bit, too. The dad of the roomie I was living with owned the house and she really wanted to live by herself, so I was without a place to live and really wanted to save to buy something of my own. And, the timing was also good because it got me away from the boyfriend that I really needed to get away from. Leaving Northern VA gave me the space to move on from him permanently.

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order):Well today is almost over so I'd better give you a hybrid of today/tomorrow--
1. Watch Juno with Butch tonight.
2. Go to the Father’s Day picnic that the Optomist Club has.
3. Go to the grocery store.
4. Put away laundry.
5. Walk on the treadmill!

3) Snacks I enjoy:Cheese, cookies, M&Ms, peanut butter crackers

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:Set aside an entire college fund for our kids.
Set aside our retirement fund.
Make sure my entire family was taken care of (paid off houses, college for the kids, etc.)
Share the money with Best Friends.
Share the money with organizations that take care of children.

5) Places I have lived:Southern MD (Charlotte Hall and Hughesville)
VA (Alexandria, Springfield, Annandale, Arlington, Fairfax)
Salisbury, MD

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