Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dancin' Machine

Need I say more?


Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA!!!! She cracks me up! That's fantastic.

Simply Shannon said...

Too cute! You HAVE to show her that when she's a teenager!

Anonymous said...

I'll repeat Kristin - AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I literally cracked up at that. Weren't you afraid she'd run into the cabinet?? Man, she likes to throw her head around - she's feeling the beat! ;>)

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

Hilarious! If I could only figure out how to upload my video from my camera, I'd have some great blog ammo!

Anonymous said...

I just watched this again and it was just as funny. I think I'll watch it once a day just for amusement. ;>)

Science PhD Mom said...

That is so cute! Don't worry, you're not the only one who is behind on blogs. :)