Thursday, August 26, 2010
Family Vacation 2010
I was really surprised that the girls were not big fans of the beach. They did okay the first day, but were ready to go back to the house after about 2 hours. After that, it was a bit of a fight to get Lacey to go. She wanted to just play in the pool. I think that is mostly due to the swim lessons they've taken. They really wanted to swim, not play in sand. :-)
We took them to the aquarium to do something a little different. They weren't terribly interested in that, either. Although, once we got to the sharks, they were mesmerized.
Another day we went shopping and out to lunch in Duck with the girls. They got their hair done.
There was a ridiculous amount of jelly fish while we were there! Disgusting. I realize that without the tentacles, they can't sting you, but they are still gross! Paul & Kyle got stung when they decided to chance it on the 1st or 2nd day. After that, they stayed out. Wednesday, the jelly fish were gone. Not a sign of them. But, by Saturday (our last beach day), there they were again.
Saturday, Butch & I just took turns going to the beach since the girls had zero interest in it. It was nice to have a little time out there without having to entertain kids or watch them or do anything.
Butch, the girls & I shared a room. Initially we thought they'd have their own room, but I knew I'd end up sleeping in there anyway (strange place and all), so we decided to save money and get a slightly smaller house. Next time, I think we'll make sure they have their own room. It was way too crowded since the bedrooms aren't all that huge. I felt disorganized the entire time. Our room was on the same level as the kitchen and "party room" (aka dining room). The kids (and I) sleep to white noise anyway, so it wasn't too bad. There was only one night where it was LOUD. Considering how many nights we stayed, that isn't too bad, right?
We did family pictures one night. Everyone wore white shirts & khaki shorts/pants. It started out a bit rough for Lacey and me. She (the fashionable 5 year old) did not like the "uniform". Not one bit. The shorts I had for her were long (to her knees) and finally I agreed to cut them off if she'd stop fighting. (Everyone was waiting for us at this point.) Even after she was dressed, she said she didn't like the clothes. I told her Aunt Dee Dee had decided (not totally true) and did she want to hurt Aunt Dee's feelings by telling her she didn't like it? That did the trick. (Then, a week or so after we got back, she actually picked that outfit out to wear it. Little stinker.)
We weren't sure that Rick & Kristina were going to join us. Kristina started having terrible troubles with her back a few days before we left. She even ended up in the ER the night before because the pain was unbearable. Lots of drugs helped her feel comfortable enough to ride in the car for a few hours and she had a good few days there. However, by Thursday or Friday, she was having a lot of pain again. And nausea (thank you, pain meds). So, they headed back a day early. (Lots of doctor visits since then & we know she has a ruptured disk. She'll be having surgery in a few weeks.)
Justin wasn't supposed to come....since he was living in Tampa.... too far to drive & unable to get off work. For a few weeks before, he was giving a lot of thought to moving back to MD, though. When he gave his notice at work, they didn't have him work the 2 weeks. So, he was free to come! He got there on Wednesday and stayed until Friday. It was a great surprise!
What an awesome time. Truly. And, it was so great to see the girls having such a good time....enjoying time spent with family....and with us not focused on work.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Most days, by the time the exhibiting hours were done, all I had energy for was dinner, TV and bed. Honestly, I kind of look forward to that with business travel, though. I don’t often get a quiet evening to myself! By the time the girls go to bed, I’m usually about ready for bed myself.
One awesome thing about this trip was getting to meet “an old friend that I’d never met”. (I stole that quote from her!) I met Angela online at our community when I was pregnant with Lacey. (Our group all had February ’05 due dates and we were all pregnant with our first babies.) She lives outside of Vancouver and took the train in to meet me for lunch one day. She’s now the 4th “Sweetheart” that I’ve met in person! I really enjoyed lunch and didn’t want to go back to work!
The last work day there, the exhibits closed at 1:00. I packed everything up, then headed back to the hotel for a little bit to rest. Once I found some energy, I walked, and walked, and walked. I walked about 30 minutes to a ferry, took that over to Granville Island and sort of putzed around there looking in shops. Then, took the ferry back….walked another 40 minutes or so before stopping to get dinner. I went to the restaurant that Angela and I had gone to and ordered take out. They brought the food out in a canvas shopping bag! I sort of felt like I was stealing when I walked out with it. Awesome, though.
The flight back the next day was fine, except I had to go through customs in Toronto and only had a short layover there. Not enough time. I waited 35 minutes for my luggage to come, then had to get in the customs line. Thankfully, they pulled me out of the line to rush me through. Also, thankfully….my connecting flight was delayed. I was going through security at 5:30, which was the time that connection was supposed to leave!!!
I got home late Wednesday night (10:00ish). Then, Butch left on Thursday morning at 7:00 for a guys’ trip in OK City.
The most challenging part of that is that work has been extremely hectic. And, the girls are home from daycare on Thursdays and Fridays for the summer. So, I had to take off. I managed to get a little bit of work in those days, but I know I’ll be paying for it next week.
Butch gets home tomorrow evening. It will be so nice to have our normal routine for a few days!!!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Update on the Kids
The girls have been taking swim lessons for about 10 weeks now. Lacey has taken group lessons in the past without much success. I’m not sure how much of this was due to her being shy or her being able to see us there or what. I had been trying to find someone to come to dad’s house to teach them – thinking that in a familiar place, it would work better. I had no luck with that – after looking around since last year. Then a friend told me about Kids First Swim Schools. The closest one is 45 minutes away. They can do private & semi-private lessons. We love it. The pool water and air temperature are 90 degrees. Parents watch from behind a window (that the kids can’t see through). Both girls are doing really well with getting used to water in their face, learning to float, etc. We’re going to keep them in lessons through July, then we’ll likely stop for this year.
Last Sunday, they got into Dad’s pool for the first time this year & they loved it. Leah still can’t touch the bottom of the shallow end, so she needs a float or someone holding her. But, she’s all about jumping in. Lacey was floating all around the deep end with a ring on….no fear. They both were doing great with getting their faces wet or going under.
At swim lessons last weekend, Lacey started putting her head under for 5 seconds. That’s one of the things that she has to do to go to the next level. She did it over & over. It’s so awesome to see her confidence grow. After they spend about 20 minutes in the (very) shallow end (which is maybe 3 feet), they go to the deep end (5 feet or so). Miss Holly has 1 of them sit on the side while she works with the other one practicing supported swimming. On Saturday, Leah fell in. Scared me to death. Holly was with Lacey and didn’t see her at first, but then grabbed her & pulled her up. Leah didn’t cough, cry or anything. And, when it was her turn to get back in, she did without any problem.
Our lessons have been on Saturday afternoons and it makes for a crazy day. We are in La Plata at 10:00 for Leah’s dance/gymnastics class; then drive an hour from there to Bowie for swimming. We’re gone from the house for 5 hours. Starting in the summer, their lessons will be on Thursday mornings and I’ll be happy to have our Saturdays back!
Leah still loves her dance/gymnastics class. Their teacher has taught them a little ballet routine and next weekend, they are supposed to perform it for the parents. I’m thinking that might be an experience! Leah does it fairly consistently, but she prefers for Butch or me to be right with her. The other little ones do their own thing for the most part. Gymnastics is her favorite part, I think. She’s such a little monkey. Last week, she did amazing with all of it. She did the dance everything she was supposed to, did everything Miss Kristen had them do, then did everything (really well) in gymnastics.
Lacey’s recital is coming up at the end of June. I’m hopeful that she’ll actually dance in the recital this year. Last year, she wouldn’t even do the dance or any of the practice drills in front of us when Miss Nisha would call the parents in to watch. This year, she has done it every time we’ve been invited in. She still tells me that she doesn’t want to dance in front of anyone, so who knows what the recital will bring!! She’s told me she doesn’t want to dance next year, but she does want to do gymnastics. If she still feels that way after the recital, I won’t push her….she can do whatever she wants to do. But, it will be hard to let her quit since I can tell she enjoys it. So You Think You Can Dance is one of her favorite shows….party because she dances along with them while watching.
Lacey’s last week of pre-K is this week. I can’t believe the school year is done already. I had a conference with the teacher last week & he was very complimentary of her. He said she is a role model for others in class and called her a “high flyer”. You know that makes me proud.
Next year, she’ll be in full day kindergarten. We’re hoping to be able to avoid paying for before and after care. If she stayed where she is, it would be $100 a week and she’d only be there for an hour in the morning and 40 min. in the evening. Butch can get her off the bus every day. And, since I work at home 2x a week, I can get her on those days. Unless I find someone in the neighborhood, I guess I’ll have to work later hours and head in after getting her on the bus.
Laptop/Wireless Issues
The wireless connection is pretty important for me to be able to work from home. I’ve been getting by for the past several weeks, but it’s certainly not ergonomically correct! The modem is in the corner of our family room. There is no desk or appropriate place to work. So, I use a TV tray and the couch on my remote days. I can’t wait to be able to work from my desk or a table again!
You should hear more from me now that I'll have a new laptop with no issues!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Lacey's 5 Year Old Well Visit
Lacey's been coughing and sneezing a lot lately. Dr. Jill confirmed she is having some mild problems with the pollen. Apparently, it gets worse each year due to additional exposure, so she might be a kid that has it bad later in life. (Like Rick, who has a terrible time with pollen now.)
She had to get 2 shots....chicken pox booster & MMR. She looked so pitiful with the first (chicken pox), then to have to get the MMR (which burns) afterward is just mean. :-( She cried, but got over it fairly quick. On the drive back to Miss Lisa's, she said "my shot doesn't hurt anymore".
I was going to take her to Rita's, but convinced her to wait until after school so Leah could go, too.
Next for her is blood work. I am so not looking forward to that. Leah had it done and did great...but she's the one that doesn't seem to have issues with pain or fear. Not sure when I'll get the courage to take Lacey in for the blood work.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Tomorrow, we have another Easter Egg Hunt. This time it's with the 7th District Optimist Club, that Dad belongs to. I think it's a better location, so that will help. And, an old high school friend usually takes her daughter there (she's 4, I think). So, it will be good to finally see her. (We've been talking about it for about 4 years!)
I went to NY on business Thursday-Friday. We were celebrating 30 years with one of my clients. Crazy to think of spending all that money for me to fly up, stay overnight and come back...just for dinner. But, it's worth it for the relationship. I was happy to be back in my room at 8:59, just in time for Grey's! And, I actually slept without waking up from about 10:30 to 5:00. I can't believe it! Then, I dozed back off for another hour before coming home.
Yesterday afternoon, I went to Lacey's school to help with their "spring celebration". Those kids are so cute. The "party" had to stay inside since it was rainy and cold outside. But, the kids had fun, anyway. That was their last day before Spring Break.
Speaking of Spring Break, Lacey's and Butch's aren't the same week. Annoying. They overlap by a few days, but that's it. That's going to make it difficult to do trips in the future since I won't want to take them out of school. We talked a little about going up to Pittsburgh for just 3-4 days this year, but the girls are starting swim lessons next Saturday & they are too expensive to miss. Plus, we have entirely too much to do around here.
Lacey did swim lessons through the community a few years ago. Then, we signed her up again last year. She refused to do any of it. She was still in the midst of her shy phase. Plus, the classes are only 30 minutes long and there are 5-7 kids in a class. So, there is very little 1-on-1 time. I've been searching for someone to do private lessons and had no luck. I did find a place about 40 minutes from here that does private or semi-private lessons, though. The girls are signed up for semi-private lessons together. I think that will work okay because Lacey tends to be more "careful" and Leah tends to just "go for it". I think their level might be about the same. The teacher is a young woman who teaches kindergarten and the person I spoke with said he calls her the child whisperer because she's so good with little ones.
I'm realizing I should probably stop typing since I need to do some laundry before heading out for "Mom's Craft Night". It's with some of the women from my "meet-up" group and one of the mom's is pretty crafty...she has these events every few months to help those of us that aren't very good at crafts. :-)
More later!
Saturday, March 06, 2010
A March Weekend
I stayed up for a bit & watched Ghost Whisperer while sipping a glass of wine. (I bought a new one that I had at Bonefish Grill. I don't like it as much as I did at the restaurant!)
I had plans to go to the gym today for the Turbo Kick class at 9:30. But, Leah had a slight fever again (100.3) and has had a slight cold for over a week, so I took her to the doctor for a 9:00 appointment to check out her ears. That is so frustrating. I know body temps fluctuate through the day, but 100.3 seems a bit high for that. When she had her bad ear infection in early December, I asked if her ears hurt & she said "no". So, obviously, I can't count on her answers. Anyway, her ears and everything else were fine. And, the temp was gone. I told Butch I'm putting the darn thermometer away. I just wish she would answer me honestly on whether things hurt and things would be much easier.
I digress....
So, I didn't make it to the gym for my class. Leah & I met Butch & Lacey in La Plata for Leah's dance/gymnastics class. This week, he went to her class while Lacey & I went to Target.
When we got home.....I tried out the new treadmill! Hooray for me! It's pretty awesome. I didn't realize when we bought it that it has built in fans. :-) Nice little feature. I walked for 30 min., with a little bit of running mixed in at the end to boost the calories burned. It felt great to get in a workout.
I'm hoping I can get on a schedule of doing that in the morning. On office days, that will be 4:30 a.m. tough. So, if the kids don't sleep well, it won't happen. On work at home days, it would be about 6:00 a.m. We'll see how it goes. I know that's the best time of day for me to really do it.
We got the girls outside today for a bit. The high today was supposed to be in the low 50's, but I don't know if that happened or not. It was windy, but the sun was shining brightly. Love it! It does wonders for my attitude.
We managed to fold lots of clean laundry, and do 3 more loads. Yikes. Laundry is like rabbits with multiplying. Especially with kids.
Once the kids fall asleep, I'm planning to watch a little more TV before bed. I'm hopeful for an earlier sleep time for Leah since she had an early & short nap today.
Tomorrow, I will hit the treadmill in the morning. I was hoping to have us all go to the park for late morning fun & a picnic since tomorrow is another nice day, but Butch has to go to work for an Open House from 11:30 to 3:00.
Tomorrow night we are having dinner at Dad's house. We'll head over sometime in the afternoon to visit a bit. I need to figure out what our contribution to dinner is. He's got ribs and chicken; Dee/Buck are bringing potatoes. Maybe we'll bring salad or something healthy like that.
[Speaking of salad, Leah-Lou loves romaine lettuce. Amazing. She dips it in Ranch, but she'll eat mine (in light creamy ceasar), too. Lacey has tried it a few times after seeing Leah eat it.]
Friday, March 05, 2010
Lacey's 5th Birthday
They did a couple of things that really put Lacey at the center of attention. What a difference! A year ago, she probably would have been in tears, or close to it, at being watched by everyone. But, she did well....enjoyed it!
On the way home, Lacey fell asleep and stayed that way (in the car) for 2 hours. Her party had wiped her out, apparently.
Some of the family came by that evening for dinner (Ledo's Pizza) and Carvel Ice Cream Cake. We were missing several, though. Rick, Kristina and Kyle were at a pool tournament. Bucky hadn't been feeling well, so he stayed home to avoid getting anyone else sick. So, it was quieter than normal
Wrist Injury
I finally called a doctor and went in for an appointment in September to see an orthopedist whose specialty is hands. He did some x-rays and didn’t see any “secondary damage”, but seemed fairly sure that I had torn ligaments. A couple of weeks later, I had an MRI. As soon as the radiologist started putting the dye in my wrist, he could tell (on the x-ray) that I had tears in my Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) and he showed me where the tear was. It was pretty cool to see, but I didn’t really know what it meant for me. And, I still had to do the actual MRI, which honestly wasn’t too bad. I think I was lucky to be laying on my stomach – so I couldn’t look up & see how I was confined.
(Sort of digressing here, but I remember Mom going for one of her many MRIs. It was during a thunderstorm and they kept losing power. So, she’d be in the middle of having an MRI done, and it would “stop” with her inside. And, they’d have to start over again. And, again. And, again.)
When I went back to the doctor a few days later, I knew I was in trouble when the first thing he said was “I haven’t seen a tear this bad in a long time”. Why, thank you. At another point, he said my wrist looked like that of someone that had played in the NFL for 10 years. Thanks, again. (And, where is all that money I earned?) The tears were old & new and who knows how I actually injured myself. Sometimes surgery is needed, but he felt that at my “young” (ahem) age we should try to avoid it unless it was really necessary. I think at some point I will end up needed it, but he is hoping to push it off a bit since technology is improving so much with these things.
He prescribed a brace for 2-3 months. Remember, this is my right wrist….and I’m right handed. It made things interesting for sure. But, at least it wasn’t a cast…I could take it off to take a shower, etc.
The follow up appointment in December was a weird one. He told me that it had healed….just by moving my wrist around and pushing in certain areas. And, when I asked about hurting in a different area, he told me “that’s the arthritis”. I thought “secondary damage” was arthritis? And, that I had no secondary damage? I was confused, but he seemed rushed & it wasn’t all really registering with me at the time. So, I have no idea. He told me to stop wearing the brace so much. (But, if it is healed, why do I have to wear it at all?) And, to do some exercises with my wrist to help loosen it up…..then come back for a follow up in 2-3 months.
I don’t wear the brace at all anymore – unless it’s hurting & I want to make sure it doesn’t do anything weird when I’m sleeping. I think that’s only happened once or twice since the last appointment. I try not to do much that could reinjure it, though. It’s frustrating. Cleaning is much more difficult because of that repetitive movement and the strain on my wrist. And, I know this sounds weird, but I would just like to be able to do that. Yes, I would like to be able to clean the bathroom. I feel like I’m making excuses when I get Butch to do it. Yet, I don’t want to clean it myself & cause a new injury that leads to surgery. And, working out is challenging because many of my workout DVDs and the classes I do either do push ups or things very similar that require a lot with the wrist.
Things like this really make you feel old. On top of this issue, I’ve had a shoulder injury for quite some time that needs to be looked at. Lately, I can’t sleep on my left side without having a lot of shoulder pain. I think it's a shoulder impingement.
Blizzard 2010
These storms always make me nervous. We have trees on 3 sides of our house. They are all really close to the house & quite tall. With the weight of snow (or ice) and blowing winds….and a ground as wet as ours is (from all the other rain and snow this season)…..well, you get it. I worry that a tree will fall on the house. Or, that a tree is going to fall & cause us to lose power for an extended period of time. The only source of heat we have is electricity. And, we have a well, so if we lose power, we lose our water source as well.
When these worries come up, I take a few precautions. The heat goes up, up, up. It gets very warm in here and I wear short sleeves because of it. But, my logic is that if we start off at 76 degrees, it will take a lot longer to get “too cold” for my girls. Leaving the house to go stay elsewhere isn’t an option when the roads are covered with snow. The other thing we do is fill the tub with water (to use for toilets) and fill up pitchers with drinking water. Happily, these precautions turned out to be unnecessary since we didn’t lose power. But, it made me feel better.
There were plenty of people that lost power, though. At the worst, about 8,000 were out of power. My brother-in-law, Buck, works for SMECO. He spent years as a lineman – out in the weather and fixing down lines. Luckily, he’s in management now, so he’s at least not out in the cold. But, he still works extra hours and gets a bit cranky. Dee said she had to tell him at one point “I know this sucks, but it’s not my fault”.
We ended up with 21 inches at our house.
I really enjoyed watching the birds....and Kramer did, too.
Our street is a shared driveway and the HOA doesn’t plow it. One of our neighbors has a snow blower & takes care of it. Somehow this is figured into our dues, but I don’t really understand it. I need to ask about it soon. I think we pay “extra” for it….which doesn’t make sense because if “neighbor” bought a snow blower and it’s paid for now…why do we pay extra each year. I’m assuming that that extra amount is passed on to him. I guess for his time? But, the neighbor across the street and we (well, Butch) help with the snow blower, too. I do need to check on that.
During this storm, he was out of town. We found out later his wife was in town….and we wish we knew that…..since Butch could have stayed up with the street throughout Saturday. By Sunday, Butch & I decided we really needed to get someone to plow it. A snow blower isn’t designed to handle 21 inches of heavy snow. We did hear through the grapevine that neighbor’s wife said she was not paying for a plow. Thank you. Next time, let us know you are home & it won’t be needed.
On Monday, neighbor’s relative came to use the snow blower. It was working, but having a hard time keeping up with it. A family friend who has some piece of equipment (forgive me....remembering the names of those things is not high on my priority list) was able to work us in, thankfully. I hate the “stuck” feeling. The other neighbors split the cost with us, so we weren’t totally footing the bill.
Schools and the Federal Government were closed on Monday and Tuesday. Then, we got more snow. For our area, they were calling for more of a wintery mix. That’s how it started on Tuesday night. Thankfully, we only ended up with another 4 inches or so. But, with that extra bit, schools ended up closing the rest of the week and the Federal Government didn’t reopen until Friday.
The schools stayed closed for the entire week. Miss Lisa generally follows the Federal Government, so she was open on Friday. Lacey & Leah were happy to see her and the kids.
Sleeping Arrangements….and Sleep
We had been planning to do some room shuffling since Leah was out of her crib. The “nursery” is typically pretty cold. It’s usually about 2 degrees colder than the rest of the upstairs in the winter. I think this is because it hangs over the garage by a few inches. Also…that room is the smallest one, so it makes sense that it should be the guest room. The plan was to move Lacey from her room to the existing guest room (biggest after the master); move Leah to Lacey’s old room; and make the “nursery” the guest room. (Got all that?)
But, with Leah’s sleep issues, we decided to put them in the same room in hopes that having Lacey there would help her sleep. Even when I was pregnant with Leah (and maybe before), I thought it would be nice to have them share a room (if our 2nd ended up the same gender). I wasn’t sure about making the switch, but Dee suggested it and it reminded me of my earlier thoughts….so we took a chance.
We also ended up buying Leah a full size bed so she’d have more space. (Of course, I have more space when I have to come in & lay down with her.)
We weren’t sure it would be a permanent thing. But, they both seem like they really enjoy being in the same room. No, it’s not really helping with the sleep problems that I can tell, but maybe that will come in time.
Up until recently, I was laying down with Leah to get her to go to sleep. I know, I know. A no-no. But, it got her to sleep. My intent was to leave when she was really groggy, but I have always been so tired that I fall asleep. Then, I wake up 45 min. later, exhausted and unable to do anything except go to my bed.
In early February, I decided I’d had enough. Leah (and Lacey) earn points if they go to sleep in their bed – without me (or Butch) in the bed, too. Leah usually lays on the floor next to me (while I’m on the laptop) for a while, but eventually she gets into her bed when I remind her of the points (and the prizes that come after earning those points). The 3rd night, she slept through the entire night. I was amazed, but skeptical. Good thing I was skeptical….because I think that's only happened once since then!
Leah’s Ears
Just before Thanksgiving, we moved Leah from the crib to a twin bed. She’d been waking in the night and one of us would end up rocking her for an hour (or more). It’s hard to sleep in a rocking chair. So, we decided to move her to the twin ….. my thinking was she’d either sleep a little better…or, if she didn’t, I could at least just climb into bed next to her & doze off. The transition to the twin went well initially. In fact, she actually slept better for a few nights and I started to think that she was just cramped in the crib.
Around this time, she caught a cold. But, she still slept alright. Until the week after Thanksgiving. She started sleeping poorly and one night, when she just wouldn’t fall back to sleep and was super fussy, I gave her Motrin. She crashed within 15 minutes. Obviously something hurt and even though she had no fever, I took her to see Dr. Jill the next day (December 3rd). She had a double ear infection. Jill said “wow….she’s not complaining?” Nope. Other than the sleep issues, she was fine. She was happy during the daytime hours. Her ears drums were “bulging”. No wonder her sleep had gotten so terrible.
She was on an antibiotic for a couple of days, then developed a fever and a rash (which was only there for an hour or so). I took her back to the doctor that Saturday and they changed her antibiotic.
Then, the day after Christmas she developed a fever again. We were leaving the next day for Atlanta, so I didn’t want to take any chances. I took her to the After Hours Pediatric place. Her ears weren’t terrible, but there was still fluid and it was cloudy. It’s supposed to be clear. So, back on an antibiotic.
After the Atlanta trip, I took her in for a recheck to make sure she was clear. She still had fluid, but no infection. That lasted a week. We went back exactly 1 week later and got antibiotics again. By this point, I was sure we’d end up going to see an ENT and ending up with tubes.
(All this time, her sleep was awful.)
Leah kept running a low grade fever, even on the antibiotic. And, I was heading out of town on a business trip…unsure if Butch would have the intuition to know if she needed to go back. Dr. Jill changed her antibiotic again for us.
When I got home from my trip, Leah still had a low grade fever!!! (The most it ever hit during most of this time was 100.5 or so…and that was rare. Usually it was below 100.) I took her back to the doctors and she was given an “all clear”. Huh. No fluid. Probably a virus.
On the way home from the doctor’s, she threw up. I hate the smell of that. I think it might be the worst part of parenting. (Well, it’s either vomit or the lack of sleep.) Thankfully, she never threw up again during that illness!
Business Trip: Des Moines
Wednesday, I flew to DSM via Chicago. I got up at 4:30 a.m. to catch my flight. DSM was having an ice storm that day and our flight form Chicago was canceled. I was traveling with another colleague….and when we arrived at our gate, we ran into 3 other colleagues. Our flight was the 3rd of the day to be canceled and the most flights through the afternoon were full…our next option was a 9:00 p.m. flight. One of the guys (Matt) is from Chicago & suggested driving, so that’s what we did.
We waited 2 hours to get our luggage. Matt rented a Cadillac Escalade and the 5 of us piled in. Surprisingly, the drive went pretty well. There was only a 30 min. or so section where the I-80 was slushy. By the time we got into DSM, the temperature had warmed enough that the roads were just wet.
I’d been in my room for about 30 minutes when the power went out. Lovely. A dark hotel room. I wished I had freshened up as soon as I’d gotten to the room! Oh well. I tried to freshen my make-up, then I walked down 12 flights of stairs to meet up with the others and we headed over to the reception. It was a nice event and the best thing was spending time with Tonya and Mindy, who I rarely get to see. (Tonya is my best friend who lives in Charlotte.)
Luckily, by the time we headed back to the rooms, the hotel had gotten the issues with the power fixed. Apparently it happens fairly often.
We had to be downstairs for breakfast at 6:30 a.m., then started meetings at 7:30. There was a short break before our “Summit” (recap of 2009, talking of what to accomplish in 2010) started at 2:00 p.m. Another break (1 hour) before starting the reception & awards dinner. (Tonya & I just laid on her bed and chatted….I had a hard time standing back up by then!)
The dinner was good. The motivational speaker was amazing (though a bit crazy in my humble opinion). And, the awards section was long. We were seated (for dinner) at 7:00 and it didn’t all end until 11:00. Considering I’d been in a seat most of the day for training, and had such an early start that morning, I was beat. Completely. Off to bed.
Another short night of sleep since we had to be downstairs at 6:30 to catch a bus over to the office. (There were about 50 of us, so they had rented a bus.) Quick breakfast, then training started at 7:30….and went until 3:30. They really need to look at breaking this up a little more because I don’t think anyone was getting much out of the training by Friday morning.
Everyone was flying out Friday night, but I had decided to stay until Saturday. I was planning to have dinner with Mindy, but we were both exhausted and she hadn’t seen her husband all week, so she headed home. I had tried to change my flight, but they wanted to charge me the change fee, plus the difference in airfare. No thank you. They did, however, bump me to first class.
Friday night, I was in my PJs at 5:00. I ordered a pizza and wine from room service. The plan was to watch a movie, but I didn’t think it was worth the money since I didn’t know when I would fall asleep…and maybe miss the movie. I just watched NCIS (3 hours of it) while chilling out. And, I have to say, it was awesome. I think I turned out the light around 9:00 and slept fairly well until the alarm went off at 5:30.
The girls (and Butch) were happy to see me when I got home that afternoon. They made a sign to welcome me back:
Atlanta (via Fort Mill, SC)
The drive from her place to Steve & Marilee’s was about 5 hours. Not too bad, right? We stopped at a Waffle House for lunch – because I’d never been to one. I thought it would be pretty good diner food….not so much. Oh well.
The last time Lacey & Samantha met, they were about 18 months old, so they had no memory of each other, yet they were fast friends. Inseparable from the start. They had a sleepover the very first night.
One of the nights while we were there, we went out to dinner. Steve & Marilee had hired a babysitter. I knew my kids wouldn’t go to sleep easily with someone new…in a new place, but it was worth some adult time. Dinner was great…as was the wine. J But, I was entirely too full to enjoy a drink after dinner. That was annoying since we headed to a bar after dinner.
When we got back to the house, we headed downstairs to the family room area….but that is past the area where the kids were “sleeping”. As soon as Leah heard us, she was calling for me. It actually worked okay for me since I was so tired and so full. I was able to get to bed without feeling too guilty. (I may have it rough with sleep at home, but it’s worse when traveling with them!)
Marilee & I took the girls to see Princess & the Frog – awesome movie. Leah came with us because I knew she’d feel left out from the girls if she didn’t. She fell asleep (thankfully) about 30 min. into the movie.
We had a nice time catching up with them and letting the kids get to know each other. I wish they didn’t live so far away. The trip was too short (only 3 nights there), but we wanted to get home a couple of days before having to return to work. So….off we drove to Ft. Mill on New Year’s Eve.
We stopped on our way to Tonya’s to see a friend of mine that I know from an online mom’s message board. I’ve “known” Becky for about 2 ½ years and wanted to see her in person since she lived somewhat close to Tonya. It ended up being pretty far out of the way, but it was still good to meet her and her husband….and kids….and see their house.
We didn’t get to Tonya’s until around 7:30. Dinner was frozen pizza….easy & perfect! I had intentions of getting my monsters to bed and staying up with Butch, Tonya & Ben. No luck. I fell asleep getting my kids to sleep. When I woke (around 11:00), everyone else was in bed!
We left fairly early the next morning since it’s nearly an 8 hour drive home. The drive home was much worse than the drive down! Everyone was tired and cranky and tired of being in a car.
We stopped at Cracker Barrel! That food is so good. Full of calories and fat, but yummy! Then, we were back in Maryland. You know that feeling when you are so ready to be home? We had it. But, we had to stop at the grocery store for milk! Ugh. While Leah & I were in the store, Butch & Lacey picked up Ledo’s pizza. At least we didn’t have to cook.
It was a great trip….but there is nothing like your own bed.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve 2009
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Daycare Christmas Party
It was a bit surprising that Lacey went up right after Leah! She sat on his lap for a few minutes and talked.
December 2009 (Pre-Christmas)
Leah had a cold at the end of November and by the first week in December her sleep had deteriorated enough that I took her to see Dr. Jill. She'd had the cold for nearly 2 weeks by that point. As it turned out, she had a double ear infection - both ear drums were bulging. Dr. Jill called her a tough cookie, considering she wasn't complaining. Poor baby.
We started with winter early here this year! It was really just a dusting, but we don't normally get snow so early. This was December 5th. It was just enough for the kids to explore, but not to cause issues with driving.
Butch & I had taken off on December 18th to take the girls to see Sesame Street Live. For anyone that doesn't know, Leah is a huge fan of Elmo. She loved it! Lacey enjoyed it, too, but not nearly as much.
We stayed inside that day since it was so windy and cold, but made it out to play on Sunday.
Lacey isn't much of a daredevil, so she wouldn't go sledding in the backyard (big hill). Instead, she liked the mound of snow made from Butch's shoveling work.
We had lots of fun throwing a tennis ball for Brady into the snow. She'd hop through the snow & see the hole where the ball went....then dig for it. Made for a tired dog that night.