Friday, March 07, 2008


Dee sent me a link to an article a few days ago. Many of you may already have seen the story since I've heard it on a few radio shows, etc. Many things associated with having a baby (sleep deprivation, hormone changes and stress to name a few) can reduce memory. Interesting, but certainly not surprising! As I read on another blog yesterday "amazingly enough I can usually remember where every single miscellaneous item is in my house for whenever my kids (and husband) whine “moooommm… where is the (fill in the blank)?”

I know that I lost a lot of sleep when Lacey was born....and have lost a lot in these past 8 months. But, wow. A mom loses between 450-700 hours of sleep in the baby's first year alone. Gulp. No wonder I can't stay up past 9:00 most nights.

As poor as a new momma's memory might be, and as much in a 'fog' as she may seem to be, a mother tends to have increased awareness for the health and safety of their child. Well, at least that becomes the complete focus.

Take me, for example. I'll fess up to something I did when Leah was about 10 weeks old. It was the week before she started daycare and I need to boil all the new bottle nipples I'd bought. So, I put them on the stove while she was napping. Then, she cried. And, I went to her. And completely forgot that the stove had water on with nipples getting ready to boil. I was focused entirely on getting her back to sleep..........and the smoke detector went off.

We have smoke detectors that have cried wolf many times. So, I was *sure* it was acting up. I called Butch to complain and ask how to fix it. But, when I walked back in the house (I'd stepped out with Leah because of the noise), I smelled smoke. When I came into the kitchen, the flames were a few feet high. Yes. That's right. I about freaked. Set Leah on the deck in her bouncy, put out the fire and aired the house out.

So, it is of no surprise to me that there is something labeled Momnesia.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I totally have it too. I think it wears off as they get bigger very gradually. If it makes you feel better when Eli was a few months old I had arranged to go to the park with a friend. She arrived, I put the boys in the stroller and left. When I came back the door was open. I don't mean unlocked I mean wide open. I came out and just focused on getting the boys ready and left the house open to any burglars. Fortunately I was lucky but I couldn't get over the fact that I did that.