Monday, December 18, 2006

An Early Christmas at Home

Things have been so busy lately. It feels like we have a huge list of things every week and it just keeps growing. 3 weekends ago was filled with decorating, 2 weekends ago was our party and last weekend was Christmas with my family on Sunday. We also had 2 parties on Saturday, but had to bail because I was feeling to stressed about it all. On top of all of this, I've had to have all Christmas shopping completed b/c of needing to ship things to Atlanta and be ready for my family yesterday. Whew.

So, Santa came last Saturday night and left Lacey some of her big things that he didn't want us to bring back from Atlanta. She got a table & chair set, a doll & stroller, a Dora sit & spin and a Dora suitcase. She adored the doll & stroller from the start and spent a good part fo the day coloring at her table. Since then, she's insisting on having her meals there. (It's sitting in the sunroom, next to our table, so it works.) Everyone arrived at the house for brunch by around 10:45 or so (except the "kids".....Kristin, Kyle, Jessica....who were late b/c of celebrating Kyle's 21st birthday). We had a WONDERFUL brunch. I love breakfast food. We had an egg & sausage casserole, an egg & ham roll-up, Grand Manier french toast, home fries and fruit. Mmmmm. And, for every one not pregnant (everyone but me) there were Mimosa's!

Lacey was tired and cranky for the gift exchange, but that's okay. She enjoyed everything later, after a nearly 3 hour nap.

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