Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bird Feeders & Squirrels

We have a bird feeding station in our front yard and I love to see all the birds that come to eat. We have a baffel on it to keep the pesky (a.k.a. piggy) squirrels away. This worked from the time we moved in (Sept. 2004) until a few months ago when some smart squirrel figured out a way to get to the feeders. I had been wanting to catch them in the act for a while now. I have even started to think about setting up our video camera. Well....a couple of weeks ago, I got lucky. After seeing one helping himself to some feed, I knocked on the window and he jumped off. But, he came back. And, I was there to watch. They have been climbing up the pole, then jumping from the pole over the the finch feeder (the bottom of it was only an inch or 2 above the baffle). Caught in the act! So, we lowered the baffle about an inch or so and it seems to have been just enough to keep them from jumping to the finch feeder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Squirrels are sneaky little critters. Wouldn't surprise me if they eventually figure out another way to get up there. But, June's looking down on you saying, "Way to go figuring out those squirrels!" ;>)