Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Cookie Party and a Visit with Santa

Yesterday we had an afternoon of parties! We headed to a friend's house for her annual Cookie Party (a few snacks other than cookies....but mostly lots of yummy cookies)! The kids had fun. It's hard because all of the toys are in her basement and that's where the girls want to be. But, all the adults are upstairs. Butch was in the basement quite a bit since there were only a few people we knew there and they are friends I used to work with.

Then, we headed to my Aunt Marilyn's house to visit Santa. Her brother was visiting from Houston and plays Santa. He starts growing his beard in April in order for it to be nice & long for Christmas. Lacey didn't want to get close to him at first. Leah was happy to see him, but not be on his lap.

In advance - sorry for the blurry pictures. We aren't sure if it was operator error or the camera itself.

Lacey wouldn't look at the camera.

We had gone into the other room when we were done. Santa wandered in a few minutes later and sat down. Lacey walked over to him and started talking again. I have no idea what the conversation was about, but she was very serious - so was Santa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I had to miss Santa's visit at Aunt Marilyn's! Lacey looks very intent in the last two pictures. Must've been something very important she was asking for! ;>)