I think most of you already know these details since you are either on Facebook or talk to me often. But, in case there is anyone still reading this blog that doesn’t see updates elsewhere….
On Thursday, July 2nd, Leah woke up early (before 6:00). She normally sleeps in quite a bit later, so this was weird. I came downstairs with her and laid on the couch while she played a bit. She started fussing when Brady got too close to her & I thought Brady had just stepped on her foot or something. Butch was up by then & noticed it was red. After a closer look in better light, we realized her toe was red & a bit swollen, plus there was some streaking up her foot. At the time, I just knew that I’d heard streaking meant infection & was not good. So, I called the pediatrician as soon as the office opened & we had an appt. at 8:45. I was hoping we’d get antibiotics & be on our way. While Leah & I were out, Butch and Lacey took Brady to Rick & Kristina’s house.
On Thursday, July 2nd, Leah woke up early (before 6:00). She normally sleeps in quite a bit later, so this was weird. I came downstairs with her and laid on the couch while she played a bit. She started fussing when Brady got too close to her & I thought Brady had just stepped on her foot or something. Butch was up by then & noticed it was red. After a closer look in better light, we realized her toe was red & a bit swollen, plus there was some streaking up her foot. At the time, I just knew that I’d heard streaking meant infection & was not good. So, I called the pediatrician as soon as the office opened & we had an appt. at 8:45. I was hoping we’d get antibiotics & be on our way. While Leah & I were out, Butch and Lacey took Brady to Rick & Kristina’s house.
You can see the streaking up to her ankle in this picture. (You can also see a strap mark from her sandles.)
I called him when we left the doctor’s office. Thankfully, Kristina was able to keep Lacey for us. Butch met Leah & I at home and we headed to Children’s Hospital ER. Within about 90 minutes, we were in a “room” in the ER. They decided that she did need to be admitted and have an IV.
The first attempt at the IV wasn’t good. Leah cried (screamed) the whole time. Eventually, that nurse said the vain had collapsed and they’d need to do it again on the other arm. She screamed again while I walked to the other side of her bed (because she couldn’t see me). Another nurse came in for the next IV attempt & it was much better. Leah’s face looked like she might cry when the needle stuck at first. I just said “mommy’s here” and she calmed down. I’m sure it wasn’t hurting as bad either.
They decided not to remove part of the toenail. One doctor wanted to because she was afraid it would just happen again. But, the specialist thought that sedating her would be too traumatic & this might not ever happen to her again. So, they soaked her foot for 15 minutes, then lanced it. Ouch. Leah was not happy. Lots of stuff came out. (The only complaint I have about the hospital is that they failed to have that stuff cultured. So, we don’t really know what kind of infection it was.)
Next up was hooking up the antibiotics to Leah’s IV. She napped the entire time.
Eventually, we headed upstairs. Leah walked most of the way and was happy to be free, I think.
Here she is showing her "boo-boo". That pitiful look on her face.....playing it up....nothing more. She was fine before I said "show me your boo boo".
Butch stayed for awhile – long enough for me to go get dinner in the cafeteria. Then, he headed home to get Lacey so she could sleep at home.
I wasn’t sure how Leah was going to sleep in that place. She was due for antibiotics again around 11:00, so I thought I’d let her sleep with me on the pull out chair until then, at least. That went okay. But, after the antibiotics, they gave her the eye drops. (I think I failed to mention that she coincidentally had pink-eye, too.) She totally woke up after the eye drops, so I just let her stay with me. I think that worked best since the nurses were in every 2 hours or so to check vitals. She didn’t really wake up for any of that. I think she slept until 7:00ish that morning. The first thing I did was look at her foot --- streaking was gone!
Taking a little nap....
The doctor came in mid-morning and said she could go home that day, but that he wanted her to have one more dose of antibiotics (at 1:00) first. Butch & Lacey arrived around 1:30 or so. I think Lacey looked like she might cry at first – seeing Leah with an IV, but when she realized Leah wasn’t sad, she was fine.
Butch had packed the car up & we headed to Pittsburgh straight from the hospital.
We had to get the antibiotic prescription filled when we arrived. But, the first pharmacy we went to didn’t have it. It’s a strong one and not everyone carries it. So, we went to Chuck & Nancy’s and Butch called around….too numerous places….before finding one that had it. Whew.
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