We had a really busy day yesterday! Well, most of it was in the afternoon. At 4:00ish, we went to an annual 4th of July party at Susan & Steve's (friends and employer of Dee). It's huge. Including kids, they were expecting 160 people. They have a 2-person "band" and provide crabs, hotdogs, hamburgers, etc. Then, everyone brings a side-dish, dessert or appetizer. By the time she put out "dinner", I'd already eaten too much!
They do a great job of having things for kids, too - bubbles, balls, moonbounce, etc. Lacey had a blast. She was chasing all the big kids around. As you can see from the picture.....she couldn't keep up (you can't see any of the big kids!).
We left that party around 6:30 and headed to my friend's party (Donna, who I went to high school and community colleg
We got home around 8:15 and had her in bed by 9:00. Not bad - only an hour later than normal. But, she didn't sleep well. Probably from so much going on during the day and her brain processing it all. Or, it could have been teething. (How come it's always a guessing game?) I'm leaning toward teething b/c we gave her a dose of Motrin before bed and she slept well until 12:30ish, when it was wearing off. We gave her more at 1:00 and she slept well for another 4-5 hours. She has a molar that is giving her a really hard time. The other 3 came it without us even knowing. Strange.
Look at you posting pics - and only the day after the party! You're getting good. Susan wasn't at all happy with the condition her house was left in! Total destruction! Spilled drinks & melted freeze pops on carpet, toys broken, etc. That's why I don't like to host huge parties!
I'm trying to be better with posting the pics b/c my friend, Stacey said that I needed to. ;-) And, Bink is always so good about it, so I'm trying to be better about it.
I can't believe how people treated Susan's house. It's sad.
However, on another note, if Susan is going to have those types of parties, she needs to expect those types of things, especially if the parties include kids! But you're right, Trish, it's amazing how people treat other people's homes! And I LOVE your new furniture and Lacey is going to look so-o-o-o cute in her new outfit, which should be in the mail either Tue. or Wed. (I'm old, so I'm a little slow!).
I'm still waiting on those Fishes pics. ;) Get 'er done..........
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